My thoughts on vaccine mandates and masks

Several people have asked me about my thoughts about Covid vaccine and masking mandate for students, so here’s my answer:


Masks are an important tool in the prevention of transmission of Covid-19. For references on masking related to kids, see here, here, and here. If interested, I’d be willing to discuss these references in more detail. On top of that, masking ensures educational continuity under current quarantine guidelines. By having everyone wear a mask, fewer children need to quarantine. After knocking on a few thousand doors, I have met parents (particularly of young kids) who are concerned about the developmental effects of having a child wear a mask. I admit that I have uncertainty around that issue (particularly for my youngest child), but overall I think the balance of cost and benefits suggest universal masking, which is also recommended in the CDC guidelines.


I am vaccinated, my wife is vaccinated, and when my children are eligible, they will also be vaccinated. I would also encourage others get vaccinated so long as there is not some underlying condition that prevents someone from getting vaccinated. I also appreciate the current vaccine requirements that keep our children and staff safe.

As I have noted in the questionnaires and forums that ask about this topic, there is already a well-established regulatory framework around determining what vaccines should be required for students to attend schools. I think federal and state public health agencies (that are staffed by health professionals) are best suited to make those decisions. We should rely on their guidance (as we do for all other vaccinations). I am eager for them to issue more guidance in the near future so that the school board can focus on the education of our children.

Contact me with any questions.


School Board Meeting 10/26/2021


School Board Meeting 10/12/2021